Insulin resistance dupes your health – 6 ways to defeat it

Insulin resistance dupes your health – 6 ways to defeat it

Many adults have a potential for health that is far greater than they think. We can often feel better, have more energy and be far healthier than we imagine. That’s because the phenomenon of insulin resistance isn’t really something we talk a lot about yet. We need to change that now! Because insulin resistance is unique in correlating most strongly with our health, living a […]

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That’s why you need to store sugar when you want to lose weight

That’s why you need to store sugar when you want to lose weight

Have you read the book The Truth about Sugar or some of my shorter or longer waxings lyrical about needing to make sure you move excess sugar from the blood into the body’s energy stores? That, preferably, there shouldn’t be too much sugar in the blood, because it interferes with the positive collaboration of the cells. But isn’t it precisely when we store sugar that […]

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