Frederik’s astonishment has evaporated

Frederik’s astonishment has evaporated

Honestly: I actually did not think it was possible for Frederik to get a drug-free normal blood sugar with his story. But I now I am convinced! And now three years have passed….

As an 11-year-old, Frederik became seriously ill with leukemia. Fortunately, a hard course of chemotherapy made him well, so that today he can live a completely ordinary life with family and career. Unfortunately, it was also quite common when Frederik already at the age of 30 developed diabetes 2.

The probability is that the treatment with chemotherapy has weakened Frederik’s insulin-producing cells and a number of other cell functions. For the same reason, his body cannot maintain a stable blood sugar on a completely normal Danish diet.

Frederik had begun to prepare for the fact that he would inject himself with insulin for the rest of his life, because the tablets were no longer enough to help him maintain an acceptable blood sugar.

“Can it pay off in my situation?” Frederik asked when he heard my views on diabetes 2, sugar and diet.

I gave him the same answer as I give many other type 2 diabetics: “Of course, your situation is not the easiest starting point for a diabetes-free future, but try a few weeks focusing on uncompromisingly stable blood sugar. If there is an improvement of 1-2 weeks, you can continue and see how far you can go. ”

Frederik chose his own path. He slowly started eating more cabbage before throwing himself over an uncompromising blood sugar stable week with three solid cabbage-rich main meals. He noticed that his blood sugar felt more stable and that he less often felt tired and uncomfortable. Three days into the uncompromising week, Frederik had a morning blood sugar of less than 7 mM for the first time in a long time. After another week, fasting blood glucose was stable below 5.5 mM.

In the first week, the falling blood sugar was followed by headaches and a nagging feeling of hunger, but by the end of the week, the problems had disappeared and energy, well-being and a completely normal blood sugar took the lead.

Frederik’s body is not as efficient at producing insulin as most, but if he lives in a way where the body requires less insulin than usual, he becomes asymptomatic. When he exercises at the same time, he keeps the body’s ability to respond to insulin signals in top form. Whether this lifestyle can enable Frederik to produce even more insulin, we do not know, but as long as he produces enough insulin to maintain a stable blood sugar with a blood sugar stable diet, there are daily rewards for both him and his family.

When Frederik started his first uncompromising blood sugar stable week, his long-term blood sugar was 9% (74 mmol / mol), and at the doctor’s they sensibly discussed insulin injections as the next step in normalizing blood sugar. After 3 months of focus on three solid main meals with lots of cabbage and without refined carbohydrates in everyday life – but with room for holiday fun and holidays – the long-term blood sugar was down to 38! Then Frederik and his doctor turned down the medicine. Today, the medicine cabinet is empty and the refrigerator is filled with cabbage and other goodies. And three years have passed!

I have seen and heard of many who ate their way out of diabetes 2 symptoms, but I must admit that Frederik surprised me for several reasons. He was super healthy beforehand, and his chemotherapy as an 11-year-old had given him worse cards on hand.

Frederik was present when ‘Out of Diabetes 2’ visited Go ’Morgen Danmark. We also took part in the discussion of whether diabetes 2 is a chronic disease in “Recept” on P1 radio station, which was followed by a short article on the subject.

The completely wild thing is that Frederik fully and completely followed the official dietary advice before he took matters into his own hands, with his very own interpretation of the uncompromisingly blood sugar stable lifestyle. And the relatively small changes in lifestyle meant wild changes in life. But with the wild changes also came an unwanted weight loss that Frederik had to deal with. It became a new challenge – but he also came to the finish line.

Frederik is an energetic and sympathetic gentleman who has the surplus to think of many other than himself. He insists on the Dane’s right to choose and know the effects of a blood sugar stable diet. He believes that everyone who wants to should know the truth about the opportunities that lie and laugh at us while letting the normal stand in the way of our health. But he will not impose anything on anyone.

But that mission Frederik and I had to represent before the “Folketinget’” Health Committee at the beginning of 2020. And from here we continue to work for an important cause: Freedom to health – with the right to knowledge and a blood sugar stable diet.

Curious to better understand the interplay between sugar and the body?

Then read my book, ‘The Truth About Sugar‘.

The Truth about Sugar‘ is the first educational book about sugar’s biology in the human body. It is written for all adults with a genuine interest in health and in sugar’s fascinating journey in the human body.

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